Thursday, July 8, 2010

Strategies for cooling down

The town is buzzing about prepartions for out big music festival at the end of the month. I am just trying to deal with our tiny heat wave here. Thank all things good that our lovely wind picked up today and knocked over many things in my yard... now we can enjoy that great natural wind phenomenon.

My town is rarely hot and I know many people in cities are struggling too. I used my new skill of driving to head out to my favourite beach in the area. Its no secret and I seem to be arriving there at least once a week this summer. Dorchester cape is home to spectacular views, dusty roads and most of all cools you down. Most folks park on the side of the road or at the interpretation center.

The best thing about the summer is making the most of every little inch of paradise you can find. Looking out for my health I keep covered most times at the beach and then those 5-10 minutes when I rip off my long shirt & skirt and run around in a bathing suit feel super special and extravagant.

A cool spring stream runs through this beach and my boys were really into walking it. Unfortunately I couldn't coordinate chess playing with the eldest. I'm going to have to start traveling with a card table for that purpose. Chess really gives me time to relax and think about other times and places. There are so many stories that could be woven into any game of chess, don't you think?

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