Monday, October 25, 2010

Freezing, Falling, Changeling

Spending time thinking about how to love myself as fully as I can. Being with my children and playing, eating well, taking in the wonders of the world. Last post I pointed to yoga which I have yet to establish as a routine. Maybe I just need to find the right soundtrack.

I am glad of a bookmark. I found another welcome read online when I really desired a positive thoughts about Love to intrude in my dark cavern: MatriFocus

As we approach this chilly time of year its great to see the leaves finally falling off our trees. This summer was so heated.

Its a great delight to see people transform themselves in costume. Have you planned yours yet? I've been at a loss all month trying to grasp at the proper attire for this coming weekend... I'm sure an idea will come to my mind soon as I can't remember a Hallowe'en where I have not been in some sort of costume.

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