Imbolc, Valentine's day, Dark Moon, New Moon, Waxing Moon, almost Full Moon. The cycles of renewal this February are so pink and cozy. It seems that right after celebrating Imbolc the world gets its groove back on and the Sun emerges ...
I really enjoyed a little feast and reflection with my ladies last week. I was happy to find a banner from all my research and reflection on the holiday last year: Brigit, Mother Goddess, midwives, breast-feeding, festival of hearth, home, healers, Imbolc, poets, wisdom (hazel) & beer. Our cozy group of five spent time thinking about our maiden selves and reflecting on the qualities that we possessed at the height of our youth. Then using a bit of divination and poetry we described to each other how our current mother selves could incorporate some of the best maiden aspects from our past into our current lives. In that way we really felt like we were bringing about that renewal that the earth goes through at this time in our own spirits.
After celebrating the festival of Imbolc with my ladies, I headed out to George's Fabulous Roadhouse (made the top ten clubs cbc radio 3 list in 2009) to see a
Then the beautiful Sackville, New Brunswick lovefest; The Sweetest Little Thing. My six year old was a really spectacular date. We looked at the huge amount of sweetest little art works for auction, played the cakewalk and won two beautiful cakes, got fantastic polaroids in the photo booth and laughed and danced with friends. We even won a door prize of a big fabulous bouquet from the new local florist Bloom. The next day we ate way too much cake at a little tea party..... Please do enjoy the rest of the winter and our cherished cozy times.
Sackville has a lot of magic to it...I was at Sweetest Little Thing two years ago and if I was still living closer to there I would have made it down.